A "Mixed Bag"

The past few months have been indifferent to say the least. If you were to scroll down my blog, the last post at the end of March was at the completion of the ICC job. I was upbeat, buzzing in fact! Full of energy and enthusiasm to tackle whatever was to come next. I honestly thought that although I knew I had a lot of work to do, I was in a really good position to make strides and take giant leaps forward for my presenting within sport. And at the start it looked as though this would be the case. I got approached by a friend of mine who works for Glamorgan CC (a professional cricket team in the UK) to host their T20 matches. I was absolutely delighted as you can imagine, so quickly after my first cricket job and I have my next lined up. This was a great opportunity. Live event hosting in a sport I absolutely love. A different experience in a stadium with between 5000 and 10000 people, not to mention professional cricketers from the past to the present. Bit of a treck for me ...