
Social Media Following

REWIND 10-15 years ago when social media barely existed, where you met people face to face rather than hiding behind a screen, and a time when people walked down the street looking where they were going rather than glued to their smartphone. Fast forward to today and the world is a different place, with social media at the forefront of everything. Influence now seems to be judged on how much of a following you have across social media. If you're a model, you are now often asked how many followers you have on Instagram, and could be the difference between booking a job and not. When I get asked, my response will often be, "If you give me 24 hours I will have as many followers as you require for the job". The ease at which people buy followers or sign up to a progressive scheme that builds your following through a robotic method is unbelievable. Do clients know that people do this? Do clients know that people can even buy likes? I haven't got the answer to that. ...

10 things they don't tell you when you become a male model

Working as a model for nine years for brands such as Tommy Hilfiger, Diet Coke and Bacardi and being able to travel the world has been a dream come true. In 2007, I was spotted by a top european agency and have never looked back. OK thats not entirely true. I have threatened to quit numerous times, but I am still here fighting the fight.  My first job was shooting a TV commercial for Esprit, which involved travelling the world for four weeks, from Munich to Hong Kong, New Zealand, Fiji oh and finishing up in Vegas! I was getting familiar with airportā€™s, shooting catalogues in Athens, Majorca, working in Tokyo for two months and filming commercials in Portugal and Paris.  Two years was spent in Los Angeles signed to Wilhelmina Models, one of the most recognised names in the industry before returning to London and continually working from catwalk shows to catalogues, commercials to underwear shoots. You name it, Iā€™ve probably done it, but I have stayed humble and...

Posh Hotel, Posh Car, Posh Bags and Me hmmmmm

The Hanbury Hotel and Country Club, an incredible vintage Jenson and a scruffy lad from Essex..... Ok maybe not too scruffy here thanks to the stylist putting me in clothes that you would never normally see me in! This was a different styled shoot for me. An editorial. A bit more serious, a bit more structured, but the visualisation (toilet paper word) is so much more impressive. A fantastic backdrop at a beautiful countryside hotel, which I would recommend to anyone looking for an English break away (especially if you like your golf). But the car! I!!! They seriously don't make them like this anymore, but there is something special about them. Now I'm not a "car" fan, however I certainly am able to appreciate these incredible wheels! Short post, but looking forward to showcasing the finished images when I get them.

The rollercoaster ride that is modelling

MODELLING is such an up and down industry and one you can never really rely on unless you are right at the top of the game. This is not something new and it has always been like that for me since I started in the industry nine years ago. I guess thats the same situation for any self-employed people.  Living each day not knowing what will come in and when work does, taking full advantage of the busy times. For me working at night on ITV and modelling and also studying means that at times my sleep is heavily sacrificed, as is my social life. But these are the times you need to push through and take advantage of because I know it won't last for long. It will be back to those weeks that pass through without a sniff of work. Right now though the ride is HOT! And I am riding it as long as I possibly can! (Of course that isn't a euphemism!) Shameless? Maybe. I am not one to regularly post topless shots across social media. I mean there are plenty of gu...

Journalism - Conquering Shorthand Writing

When I made the plunge into the world of journalism I had thoughts of writing gripping articles, learning the art of interviewing and getting my name in a newspaper under an article. Well maybe thats all to come, BUT I did not foresee having to learn this... Nope its not French, or Spanish, even though it looks like a foreign language, its Shorthand writing. This is the Teeline style of it. A true journalistic skill. The aim is to be able to write this at 100 words per minute. A task that at the moment looks a million miles away! 100 WPM is the barrier that employers look for from a journalist. We tend to speak at about 150 words a minute on average. With the developments in technology with dictaphones and mobile phones and other recording devices, shorthand isn't exactly used as much as before. So what's the point? In a lot of circumstances journalists might not be able to use a recording device. It can be such a useful skill to have to be able to jot down...


Social Media has changed so much in our lives, from speaking with friends, storing photo albums, shopping, DATING and now it's even changed what 'some' people perceive as being cool. What is your perception of 'being cool'? I have an image in my head of a confident person walking down the street dressed cool, without a care in the world of how anyone else perceives them. This is what I picture when I think 'COOL' Yes OK it's David Beckham. And let's be honest he is one of the coolest men on the planet. How about a better example, a neutral one. This laid back guy with a cool hair style, a leather jacket (which is a classic sign of being cool right) and just oozing confidence. BUT THEN Social Media takes over the world.  People found a new way of discovering what is cool or what they perceived as being cool.  Now I am not telling anyone what is cool to then because we are all entitled to our opinions and because one ...

A "Mixed Bag"

The past few months have been indifferent to say the least. If you were to scroll down my blog, the last post at the end of March was at the completion of the ICC job. I was upbeat, buzzing in fact! Full of energy and enthusiasm to tackle whatever was to come next. I honestly thought that although I knew I had a lot of work to do, I was in a really good position to make strides and take giant leaps forward for my presenting within sport. And at the start it looked as though this would be the case. I got approached by a friend of mine who works for Glamorgan CC (a professional cricket team in the UK) to host their T20 matches. I was absolutely delighted as you can imagine, so quickly after my first cricket job and I have my next lined up. This was a great opportunity. Live event hosting in a sport I absolutely love. A different experience in a stadium with between 5000 and 10000 people, not to mention professional cricketers from the past to the present. Bit of a treck for me ...