Social Media has changed so much in our lives, from speaking with friends, storing photo albums, shopping, DATING and now it's even changed what 'some' people perceive as being cool.

What is your perception of 'being cool'?

I have an image in my head of a confident person walking down the street dressed cool, without a care in the world of how anyone else perceives them. This is what I picture when I think 'COOL'

Yes OK it's David Beckham. And let's be honest he is one of the coolest men on the planet.

How about a better example, a neutral one.

This laid back guy with a cool hair style, a leather jacket (which is a classic sign of being cool right) and just oozing confidence.

BUT THEN Social Media takes over the world. 

People found a new way of discovering what is cool or what they perceived as being cool. 

Now I am not telling anyone what is cool to then because we are all entitled to our opinions and because one person thinks something is cool it does not mean the next must do too.

However, can anyone tell me why this is cool

Don't panic, you're not seeing anything different to anyone else. This is Salmon, scrambled eggs and avocado. One of billions of pictures of the same food seen across social media on your Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and probably on many others too.

Food pictures are controversial to say the least. Do we all care what someone else is eating for their meals?

If it is a Personal Trainer, Fitness Guru or Nutritionist, I completely understand the reasoning for posting food pictures. These people aren't posting them because they're 'cool' (they post gym selfies of their abs in the mirror for that), they are doing it for their business and for inspiration for others.

BUT so many normal people seem to believe they are one of the cool kids for posting pictures of healthy foods. Its like a way of bragging to everyone across social media that they are healthy and they are awesome. 

Hey thumbs up to those who are eating well etc, but do you really need the social media world to vindicate your achievements?

Glad to get that off my chest.

Let me know what you see so much of now across social media that 'erks' you.

I am now planning on posting much more articles like this about issues, funny or serious to help with my journalistic development. (see I'm already learning new words like 'journalistic')



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