My First Blog

Hi to anyone who is reading this.

This is my first ever blog and I thought I would get with the times and try to create something for people to follow and also for myself as a memory of what is going on with me and my life. I want to use this to share my views on things in life and share my thoughts with you.

A little background about me. I am currently 25 years old, living in London and for work I model 'full time' (as full time as I can be) and I am working as a presenter currently on Smartlive Casino (sky channel 869). My past includes studying hard to achieve 10 A-C GCSE's, 4 A Levels C and above and a degree from Sheffield Hallam University. These are all my comebacks when someone calls me a dumb model! ha ha.

I left University and worked in the heart of East London as a General Manager of a 5 a side football centre. I have never learnt so much from a job as this and the sights I saw whilst working at this place will live in my meory for the rest of my life. Unfortunately there was not many good memories.

I managed to get out of this job when the opportunity to appear on a reality tv show came up and I was extremely fortunate to be able to be apart of this. It was Shipwrecked. 3 Months in the Cook Islands! Yes please. I will post a blog soon about this experience from my eyes.

Thats more about me and plenty more to come. Feel free to post any comments you wish, good, bad, ugly I really dont mind.



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