Jeff Banks Presentation last Thursday

Hey Guys,

I am extremely sorry for my week off on the blog front, been a ridiculously hectic week I tell you, and about to get even busier too! Anyways big updates today and going back into a job a had last week on Thursday evening.

Booked for a Jeff Banks presentation in Birmingham on Thursday. I have done one of these before in Bristol, which was extremely quiet, but a very easy job. Jeff Banks uses these presentations to sell custom made suits to people and offers special offers for people at the event inside Debenhams. My role in this is to stand in a tailored suit to my sizes and be on hand for Jeff to show potential clients certain aspects to the suit. I do this with one other model who happens to be Stuart who I was on Shipwrecked with those many years ago. So, for us it's nice to have a catch up.

Arrive on the train and sit with the hair stylist who is absolutely lovely and have worked with her many times before, and the hair stylist, again a really nice person and very friendly which is always nice. Walk over to Debenhams and get prepared for the night putting on our 1st of 2 suits. Mine, is unfortunately not a suit I would wear and the shirt is a lime green color, which I have to say is not the most conventional color. Always get a few little comments in it, however it fits perfectly and offers a differently looking suit and design than Stuarts one. The worse thing about the fact the weather has got better is that I'm in a warm shopping center in a double breasted 3 piece suit that is made of wool! Sweating like Graham Norton in a gay bar does not even come close!! ha

So, the event starts and becomes very busy, with a lot of people enjoying the free wine and canopies that were on offer (some a little too much, and had to be escorted out of Debenhams by security, which I've got to be honest I found hard not to laugh at). It was busy and a lot of people coming up to me like I knew what I was talking about the suits, and have to say I struggled big time! I blagged it of course saying some rubbish then ushering them to the awaiting tailors. Steady start and then the entertainment started. Jeff's favourite girl comes along. Her names Suzy and she is a Marilyn Monroe look a like and actually got voted recently in Las Vegas as the worlds best look a like! No joke, she looks absolutely amazingly like her. She does a bit of chatting on the mic with Jeff and then a couple of silly songs too (but to be fair she can sing). Always says shes happy me and Stuart are there, which is great but highly embarrassing when everyone turns and looks at us, and me in that not very flattering suit! ha/

Change time half way through to a Tux, and yes a 3 piece one as well, which is pretty cool though i must admit. More standing around, Jeff trying to get us to dance with Marilyn as shes singing (erm.....enough said) and that was it. A busy event, a few interested clients and a raised profile for Jeff Banks suits means mission achieved. Then it's time to take the goody bags home and stock up as much as possible!!! ha ha - and I have to say they are quite good as well. Then change up and off back to London on the train. Just a 2 hour event that's all then home time so a nice easy job must admit.

I will search for a picture of myself, Stuart and Suzy and get it up if I get the chance.



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