Lack of Sleep but all good with Beechfield job

I am writing, which is a good sign that I managed to survive one of the most tiring days of my life. Monday I was on the casino channel from 10pm until 6am Tuesday morning. I set up camp on the sofa in the Green Room and slept for about an hour, until my horrific alarm woke me up telling me its time for my next job. That feeling when you have very little sleep, the heavy eyes, the aches and the pains were all apparent in the morning. It became even worse knowing that I have a 9 hour shoot ahead of me with new clients who I want to impress. I just felt absolutely horrific.

But I had to just suck it up and get on with it, as we all do when times get tough. I focused my mind on the fact it was one day of my life and to just forget about being tired (the mental approach is not usually the route I go for, but for this instance it was needed, and worked)

Arriving at the studio in North London, straight away the client saw me walking outside and was very friendly and smiley and chatty (a very good sign for a nice day ahead). The studio was a converted 3 story house that was absolutely fantastic for shooting in, with a real retro theme to it. I met the photographer who was absolutely brilliant, a bundle of energy, enthusiasm and most importantly humour which set the precedence for the 2 day shoot. The make up artist was nice and friendly and the stylist was a proper Northern lass from Manchester who was absolutely great. I was working on the job with 2 female models, both very nice and one of which I had worked with before in Majorca in 2008! It's always great to see models/photographers/clients that you haven't seen for a long while and catching up on stories and adventures. Sometimes give you new places to make a venture to as well.

The shoot itself was for a company called Beechfield (pictures to come soon) who are renowned for their hats. They are a Northern based company and are using pictures from the shoot for their website and posters. Very simple and relaxed shoot was to follow, with just 10 shots in total spread across 2 days. Sounds very very easy right? Well, this time I can't gloss it up and say it was hard work because it really wasn't. This was down to the excellent preparation from the client and the photographer, and the ease of the models too always helps.

That was the last 2 days, not much else to report really, just knuckling down and concentrating on getting as much work as possible, whether modeling or at the casino channel doing my presenting.

If you have any questions or comments then please feel free to post something and I will get straight back to you.


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