New Pictures - Always useful to keep your portfollio updated

It's always very important to keep your portfolio updated with recent pictures and to add some variety where possible to it as well. Also, as we get older we do start to change a bit as well (I know nobody likes to ever admit to this! Me included). Just to refresh your book can often change how you feel yourself about your book too. I am someone who always needs a boost in confidence every now and then to make me realise that I am doing the right thing in the industry. Also, its great when you can get some new images in your book to make you feel more confident showing your book to clients.
The first picture is an updated body shot, something that is needed in my portfolio to show that my body and conditioning has improved which is obviously better for me. And before anyone says it, no air brushing at all ha ha. I have worked hard the past couple of months, watching what I eat and cutting down the carbs. Lunch for me always used to consist of a sandwich, without fail. Every single day. That's now stopped, as has the midweek pasta, potatoes and rice consumptions. Add that to some more direction in the gym and its led to me getting into the best shape of my life.

This picture above was shot in the freezing cold on the banks of the Thames on the same shoot as the first one. It is completely different but shows more of my personality, smiling and some movement which is great for commercial shoots. My agency in Los Angeles, Wilhelmina, are very keen on smiling, happy, energetic pictures, something that the market greatly requires over there. My agency really wants to build my portfolio up there too, so any pictures that can reflect this are perfect. This shot has a very American vibe to it.

This picture, another smiling one, again has that American vibe to it and added to a Beach style shoot with the shirt open. A shot that's not too posey, that is comfortable and confident, something that potential clients like to see.

A very campaign type shot that has the similarity in pose to the Armani ad with Mr Beckham (I said pose that was all! ha). Another body shot that will help to strengthen my book and to hit the road running in the states too.
More pictures will be updated when I have them, and hopefully I will be able to gain some more work shots too from some of the jobs I have recently done. These are again very important to have in your book to show clients.
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