LA Bound in 3 weeks

I am finally returning back to the States to the heart of LA and back to Hollywood in just 3 weeks now. I have been back in the UK for 5 months and it is time I return to continue the adventure across the pond, to pursue my ambitions of succeeding over there and to also continue my relationship there too. I have worked a lot back here, which has definitely stood me in good stead for what the future holds, building my confidence up to tackle the tough LA market and also has helped strengthen my wallet too!!! Something that should never be underestimated, as it costs a lot of money to make a success in new countries and markets, as you have to build yourself up from level 1 all over again. I hope that I can hit the ball running as soon as I get out there. I will hope to get back to some football coaching and also hope to get back playing at some point too when my strength in my knee is back. I will never be able to play to the extent I was playing at the start of this year in the states,...