Finally....some success in LA

The last post on here was published 2 weeks ago and I was talking about my prospects coming up here in LA after a break away. I am pleased to say that 2 of the 3 have come to fruition and I have just completed filming a new dating concept show. It's been a strange experience to be so busy here in LA for the first time! This last 2 wees have been crazy in so many ways, and the easiest way to tell is that my phone battery lasts me all day at the moment because I am hardly on it ha ha. Always a sign of boredom when your on your phone the whole time. Let's start with the dating show. The show is for a company who produce lot's of similar level of shows that appeals to male viewers. Some are risque, some are very entertaining and I was happy to be hosting a dating concept show. The idea of the show is to teach the "Average Joe" ways of improving their chances with men, from going through many "ice breakers" in various situations to meet women and also some key components to doing so. I was the host of the show and also the "male expert". Yep you guys can laugh I'm sure! But hey a jobs a job. I had to host the show and run through around 50 lines to use on women that involved various scenarios, like the gym, a bar, swimming pool etc. The average joe would act out the line on a girl expert and we would break down his performance. It was so much fun and also great on camera hosting experience. We held various seminars throughout as well, talking about subjects like Body Language and Confidence. Being the host I was ensuring everyone stayed on subject, asking relative questions, offering advise for the average joe and importantly reacting to what the other people say. It was a fantastic experience and I met some good real people and importantly they will look to use me again. Reporting Job I was offered a position reporting for some small newspaper magazine, which again I am treating as a learning experience and some useful footage to add to my reel. I had to go in this week for an emergency call for this company and do one of their shows. It was hard work as there was no prompter and I had to learn a script, something which I need a lot of work on. It was only 2 hours, but it was hard work to get everything done in the right way, tone, attitude to how the client wanted. When you are filling in for someone else on a hosting job, everyone compares you to them and how you do it. It makes it so much harder than if the project is completely new. The outstanding prospect Like with many situations in this town, there is a lot of talk made about some amazing prospects. People like to talk the talk in this town, but more often than not cannot walk the walk. So only time will tell whether this prospect will lead to something. But something that I am learning fast in this town is to not get my hopes up when told about opportunities. Even Better News! Today has turned out to be an amazing day as I have just booked a commercial for next week!!! I will keep the name out of it for now, but I am so excited to finally book a big job here in LA. It is so rewarding after all the auditions I have gone to, the trecking round LA, the money spent on gas etc, but right now it feels so great. Whats so exciting about this commercial is the stages to getting the job. The initial casting was last Thursday which was my birthday night out that I had planned. It was right at the end of the day at the time I had planned to meet my friends, so I initially considered not going to it. Then after getting to the casting, I was so agitated to leave and get going to my birthday drinks that I almost left the casting! I stuck it out and obviously its paid dividends. The callback though came through at 6pm the day before I was due to work on the dating show. I had to cancel filming the show, something that I never ever wanted to do and delay it for a week. Very fortunately the company were very accomodating. And thank goodness because I got the job! Its been a completely different 2 weeks, from being so quiet, to having clashes of work on different days. A whole new experience to get through. But I am feeling absolutely great about life in LA finally and things are finally starting to work out.


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