A week of work and travels

It's been a busy couple of weeks since my last post, which is always a good sign for me that I haven't had too much time to myself. ha ha. Last week started with some football coaching as per usual which is so much fun out here in the Californian sun. Always makes me feel so lucky to be out here. I've had some good work with a dating show, a trip to Texas and finally a trip to San Francisco!!! Busy and crazy! Just how I like it.

The Dating show is something I have spoke previously about. It was some work that I sorted myself here in LA and something which is progressing more and more giving me absolutely vital on camara experience too. It's such an interesting show to do as well, as we break down the whole dating scenario and start guys from the very beginning. It is amazing how many different stages there are to meeting people (girls in this subject). I will pass on some of my wisdom from the show for you all, or just simply give you something to think about ha ha.

First Step: The Line - Open ended question, something different, something humerous, charming - ultimately something that makes you stand out from the crowd.

Qualification: Instead of guys always thinking am I good enough for you, it changes around. Gives the guys more control and allows them not to just settle for anything.

Comfort: Ah crucial stage of building emotional and physical comfort with someone. You crack this stage and then you are a winner!

Ha just 3 little sections I discuss in this show.

Now the show itself is formatted to teach guys how to seduce women by their words and body language and go through each of the stages of the seduction process successfully. I am the host and I interview girls and an "average joe" guy about all the differentr sections. Asking specific questions about past experiences, advise for guys out there and building a discussion feel. Now, they do classify me as a Host/Expert (which is not something I particularly brag about ha). We also play out different scenarios and take it step by step, to show the viewers just how it can be done. It's a lot of fun and also amazingly interesting too.

(Plus one of the girls we interviewed was the Mistress in the Shaquille O'Neill affair! - I had no idea until this week just gone that it was her at all. Wish i had known because I would have definitely asked loads of questions about it ha ha)


I have not really travelled about a lot since I moved out to LA, so any opportunity to go out of town I do get my tourist hat on and get slightly excited too! I had the opoprtunity to go out there for a little job for the people I shot with in Malibu, so I said yes of course! A lot of travelling, 2 planes to get there, the first landing in Denver, which if any of you guys ever go, just beware of landing in that city. Turbulance was horrendous and apparently it is very common for that to be the case and the plane to shake like something from a bad movie! But it got me there safely. To Midland Texas! Where I can hear you saying, well goggle it. Its in the middle of no where, is an oil town and I was very much out of place in it ha, but a lot of fun.

I will get some pictures up soon from it (once my laptop is fixed) and show you what I was doing with some old racing cars and some funny little machines too, including a motorised bar stool!!! Now thats the kind of technology I'm talking about! ha ha.

It was a short trip but a lot of fun and good to see a different part of the country.


All I can say is what a city!!! I have not heard one person say a bad word about this city and so I am so glad to have been able to go. My GF needed to go up there for some passport renewal, so a perfect reason to see some attractions up there. 5 hour (very fast driving by me aka Lewis Hamilton) drive from LA to this wonderful hilly city. Clean and just gorgeous. We walked all round the city, to the famous fishermans wharf and on to the downtown area with some inside information on some sneaky little restaurants which were quite superb.

The trip ended with a boat journey to Alcatraz! What a historical place that is and something I was greatly interested in. I love my History. No that doesn't make me a geek and yes I am sure that surprises many that I love something else other than my hair! ha. The place was incredible though and I recommend absolutely anybody if they ever get the opportunity to go to San Francisco to do it because I promise it will be worth it.

Back to LA now and enjoying watching the Euros (but thats for my other blog). Workwise, I am still awaiting news on auditions from the past couple of weeks. One a feature film lead role (did I not mention that??? hmmmm), another is for a movie host, plus meeting a shopping channel out here next week and a possible MTV Show Pilot! The land of opportunities! I can feel something happening very very soon. Fingers crossed.

Well, I'm off to sort out my technology issues that I am currently having! A dodgy phone, broken laptop and to top it off a bit of fraud on my credit card! Oh the joy. Hope everyone is well and wish you all a fantastic weekend. Apologies no pictures on this, just have to wait until my laptops fixed, but very soon!


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