A Quiet August

I wanted to keep my blog updated a lot over August, but to be honest there wasn't much going on at all so didn't want to bore you too much and talk about what I had for dinner, what TV I watched and how many beers I had the night before. (On that note I only had 2 Corona's last night and drove - which is an absolute rarity but a sign of being sensible) ha ha.

August for modeling tends to be very quiet. I have often survived by picking up the odd job going in this month and after my shoot at the start of the month I am happy with it. I have also been back on Smartlive Casino throughout the month, using that time to show my sense of humour, which i found in a box in my room, and to just increase my Live TV experience. Always great for that.

Now to be truthful to all of you and at the risk of my agency not being too pleased with me, I have let myself go over the last 6 weeks. Since returning from LA I have been to the gym twice and once was today! I have drank a lot of alcohol and not been worried about what I have eaten either. Never good considering how important it is for my job. When I was in my good times, I was working out at least 5-6 times a week, eating plenty of protein and not eating any heavy carbs at all. It worked believe me. It wasn't easy, but I did it and after that I know I can get back to that look again.
But when you eat plenty of sugar, bread and just unhealthy food and don't exercise, you are always going to lose some of your shape and ultimately put weight on. This week has hit me hard and I really am disappointed about how I have let myself go and I am absolutely determined to work my ass off to sort it out.
So, watch this space and I will update you on my journey. If I can include pictures I will (unfortunately IPAD only at present as my laptop has passed away :-( ).

Anyways, I did have the odd casting this month though and one which I will tell you about.


As you can imagine, shirt off and swimmer brand, you need to be in great shape for this company. I went anyways and was informed that I would need to swim at the casting. Always nice to do something different in a casting, and I loved getting back in the pool and back swimming again as its been a long long while.
Problem though...the guy in front of me is an ex professional swimmer who still swims regularly. The producer for the project was explaining how he wanted someone who could swim 50 lengths comfortably in a row, take a break and do another and have an amazing swimming stroke! I mean, are you kidding me??? The guy in front had it sown up straight away. I had no hope.
I did however do a couple of lengths and a dodgy tumbleturn which I was told was quite laughable. (to be fair it was dreadful) But everyone loves a trier right....?
Unfortunately it was definitely a waste of my time to be honest and door to door to go to that casting it took 4 and a half hours! Thats a long long time!

Its the time it takes to get in and out of London for castings add's to my want to move into London desperately. I started looking a month ago but dropped off a bit looking, but now need to start again.

Other activities this month have been a drinking session at the Test Match at Lords, a trip to the Isle of WIght and 2 days at V Festival which was blinding as always!!! Time to stop enjoying myself too much and get out and about sorting out my career and all things work.

I wish you all a great Bank Holiday Weekend


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