Patience Patience Patience

My last post I was very busy with lots of work coming in and opportunities a plenty, this one is not too much different actually, except the fact I am writing this with a severe case of MAN FLU (yes basically I have a cold...ok ok). But I am also fighting very very hard to stay patient for things in both my work life and personal life to get to where I want it. I have learnt that "good things come to those who wait" and that in order to get everything you want in life, you have to keep calm, stay strong and ultimately stay patient. But importantly never ever give up fighting if you truly believe in something.

Anyway...enough of the stuff that makes most people slightly queezy when I talk about all these feelings ha. So, I have been back up to Manchester for a shoot for Tesco once more, which was nice job again. Maybe not the most glamorous of shoots especially when I'm modeling their range of ONESIES...but hey, it's not all that you read in the papers and not all jobs can be like the one I did in the Maldives. These are the shoots that involve taking a few pictures in different poses (looking left right, straight, hand in pocket etc) then turning round and having a back shot. That's simply it and doing that for about 50 different changes of clothes. It's something that could become very regular though and I could find myself up to Manchester a few times a month now which would be ideal.

I have had a lot of castings this past week too, and want to go into some of the details of what has been required in the casting.

"SHAVING COMPANY" - (I won't name them)

The good thing about castings with my agency is the chance to catch up with your mates in town. Sometimes modeling can be a lonely career, walking around to castings on your own, and spending a lot of time by yourself. This one was good because it gave us all a chance for a good catch up, something I was very grateful for.

The casting itself was a bit of an uncomfortable one to be honest. 4 women in the room, 2 of which were foreign and spoke no English. I had to stand there take my top off and literally have 8 eyes analysing my entire body! It was very strange, asking many questions about my natural skin color (obviously I replied, Essex) ;-) and continued to stand there shirtless while they looked through my book. There was just a very strange vibe and atmosphere in the room, and I wasn't the only one to feel it. But what can you do? You just have to stand there and wait until they say goodbye and your out of there. You have to show no sign of feeling uncomfortable and just smile and try and make sure in a good way that they don't forget you and you become memorable.

Well I didn't get this job anyway but unfortunately that may have something to do with me being a bit stupid and telling them after they asked that I have done a commercial for Nivea before. Massive error. Always say no James!!! It's not like I'm new to this either! I was so annoyed with myself for it, but maybe wouldn't have made a difference.


When casting for commercials it is mainly down to a small bit of acting mixed with the right looks. If you fit their brief and they can visualise you in that role, then you stand a good chance of getting the job. This casting was a typical beer commercial, sat with a mate sharing a pint at the pub, simple. It's like a dream for me to do jobs like this, and castings just feel so natural considering I have been practicing my body on this since like 11 years old! The amount of money I have spent on drinking and going out, its about time I get some reward from that ha ha.

A little bit of chat with another guy and that was it. The casting director was really nice though and he was an Arsenal fan too so managed to have a good chat with him along the way too. We shared each others pain about going out to Bayern Munich, always good to be remembered! ha.

NOTE - This casting I have actually booked the job for this evening! Which is great news especially considering its the week before Easter and sometimes this period can go a little quiet.


On Friday, I had to go down to Swansea for a screen test for a new PR project for an American company. Now the company specialises in cars and is hoping to do a variety of projects around the world that requires a host. I had to plan and prepare a 3-5 minute script on Engine Coolant! Exactly WTF was my reaction too. It was like going back to school to study and learn about something brand new and try to understand it. When presenting anything, you need to convince the audition that you are natural in what you are saying and that you know exactly what you are talking about. I did most of my preparation on the 3 hour train journey down and prepared my script for the teleprompter. All set up and ready to go I met some really friendly people doing the casting and they made the audition very simple for me. Let me have all the takes I needed until it was perfected, so just 1 ;-) ha I wish! It only took a few takes and they seemed very satisfied by this.

It was back and off on the train for another 3 hour journey after that! Long treck for a screen test, but its down to myself and just 3 others now, so fingers crossed.

I have had a quiet weekend working at the casino channel, which can be tough doing 4 shifts in 5 days thats for sure, but it's still work and still my bread and butter as such, so certainly not complaining. You just end up running out of things to say!

Right now I'm concentrating on getting myself better and getting to plenty of castings and continuing to hope more work starts to come in and some options keep on confirming. Keeping patient is the key and staying calm when I lose out on options too. Its part of the industry and something I have learnt to deal with over time, though always is hard work when its a big job. I lost 2 options last week for a trip to Spain and a big job for Sony which can be difficult to take, but you have to keep picking yourself up.

Patience away from work could lead to some happiness soon, but only time will tell and these things can never be rushed as we all know.

Thanks again to you all for taking the time out to read my blog, its much appreciated.


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