BIRTHDAY POST - My 29th Year

It's been a while since I posted and have had a hectic month in more than one way. I have been working lots and been to Thailand on holiday and just been concentrating on keeping myself as busy as possible. But this post I thought I would look to review the past year, more for myself than anything and its nice to reflect on what I have achieved this year and how i feel this past year has been for me.

This time last year I was living in Los Angeles - which does feel like quite a distant memory now. I was working so hard to get work in any which way, coaching football (or "sooooooccer" for all you Americans), modeling, hosting a dating show and picking up any sorts of work i could possibly get my hands on. It was a tough time in my life no doubt, where I learnt the value of money, learnt to really live within my means, no smoking, not much drinking and actually just concentrating on bringing in a pay cheque to survive out there. But I was fully enjoying the sunshine thats for sure and spending some great time with great people I met over there (the handfull of real people that were in LA)!

Then life changed when I made the big decision to move back home and away from the "American Dream" which I can openly say unfortunately didn't happen. I gave it my best shot thats for sure, 2 years on and off trying my best to achieve success, but unfortunately it didn't happen. That's life, but I am proud of myself for how much I gave it a go. I learnt so much during my time in LA and certainly changed a lot when I came home. Learnt more values, learnt so much more patience and quite frankly grew up. Now in all honesty I wish I wasn't feeling as grown up, and wish I was a bit more care free but turning 29 tomorrow I guess its about time I did! ha.

Moving back home offered its own challenges though. Starting again with work and slotting back to the same life I had before LA. That was quite tough to accept because although I gained greater experience from living abroad, I had to accept being back to the same life I had 2 years previous. I had to move in with my parents for a few months too! Now theres a challenge for all! Day 2 - I walk into the Hall way and my Dad stops me and says, "James, you know the rules. You are only allowed one pair of shoes in the Hall Way and not 2!"............You can imagine my reaction to that! My jaw dropped, and I held my hands in my head and seriously thought WTF. I thought why the hell have I come back! How am i going to cope living with my parents again after 3 years!?

Now what i hadn't thought about is that my parents had got used to living on their own and that me coming back was going to require an adjustment from them too. We all had to learn and start again with each other. Fortunately I have the most amazing family and we talked it all through and worked it out. A note on that - my family has been there throughout my whole life, have stuck by me in my times of need, have always been on the end of a phone to offer advise or to just listen whenever I have needed them, and for that I am so unbelievably greatful. I feel like I am the luckiest guy in the world sometimes to have my family and to be so close with them. It's not just that feeling that they are always there for me. Its that feeling that I will always be there for them whatever the case. Love that. Thats where I have grown up. I know the importance of being selfless, looking out for others, being that support mechanism for family and friends and never shy away from hard times.

I then moved to London where I am now and have been there for 6 months already which has absolutely flown by! Quickest 6 months of my life I think, but so happy and fortunate to be living where I do. London is such an amazing city, and the best times are coming up, the summer!!! In between those 6 months I have worked in Rome, in the Maldives and have had lots of work and probably been the busiest I have ever been modeling which has been amazing.

The down side, its been the toughest 6 months of my life personally and ultimately the toughest year of my life to date! The changes in environments, relationships ending and much more. But I accept that it is just life testing me and testing to see how quickly I get back on my feet. Again, thanks to an amazing family and my incredible friends who have always been there when I needed them, whether I was here at home or even miles away in LA, they have never ever not been there. Means the world to me, and if any of them are reading this, I Thank You so much! When you go through tough times, you really do learn who are close to you. Unfortunately you learn about the people (the absolute few) that thrive on others unhappiness. But they are sad individuals who have nothing else on in their lives, and who mean nothing to me at all. But again, you learn and move forward.

Right, getting into it there and deep for a change wasn't I?! ha sorry about that. I do wonder now what my 30th year has in store! Scary to say that must admit, because you remember the days when your younger and you always say, "When I'm 30 I want to be...." - well I always said that by 30 I would be with the woman of my future and be ready to propose and start a family. That may have to be delayed at least another 5 years I think!!! I'm absolutely miles away from that now ha ha. But that's fine. I am patient and not in a rush to settle down now as the most important thing I have learnt is making myself happy within myself. That's all I can ask.

It's been a crazy year thats for sure, but hoping the next year will be a more settled one to be honest. Take things day by day and see what i can achieve in the coming year.

Thank you to all that read my blog, up to 15000 views now which is amazing! (I know 10000 of those are me but hey ;-) ) I will step up my posting again throughout the summer and hope you continue to enjoy. Pictures will be included when I get my new laptop...hopefully tomorrow for my birthday!!!!! ha ha. Hope you are all well


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