E-Commerce Work - The less glamorous side of modelling

SUPERMAN!!!!!! ;-) Yes this is me doing my thing in Superman pants! Ah the things we do for money hey?! But wanted to talk about the less so glamorous side to the industry and as you can see from above this is certainly it!!!

E-commerce work is something that many clothing companies have for models and is something that is extremely regular and crucial to keep going for your bank balance! ha. But very true. Let me tell you though, it's not glamorous one tiny little bit and it really is some very tedious work. Now, I know this sounds like I'm complaining about it (ok maybe a little), but I am very thankful for the work and anything regular in this industry is a bonus. And you can't see my face either ;-) probably for the best right ha ha. But the good thing is that unrecognisable work gives you the option of doing work with a variety of different companies.

An E-commerce shoot will often involve a 9 hour day with many, many, many outfit changes. There will usually be about 5-8 shots of the front, moving after every single shot. After that it will be the same again for a back shot. A stylist will style the clothes and ensure they look right and then review them on the computer before confirming they are fine and moving on to the next outfit. It's very repetitive as you can imagine. For me, I spend the day chatting with the small crew and its the best way to get through it by getting to know each other. You then can find common interests to talk about, just the basics of communication I guess.

Just a short post this one talking about work that currently is becoming very regular and keeping me busy and I am hoping it will continue as much as possible too.

I hope you have all had a great start to 2014!



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