The Past 3 Months and turning.........30!!!

A blogging hiatus is finally over! Maybe it was the pre and post blues of turning 30, I don't know! You turn 30 and all you think about is when you were younger and everyone always said "by the time I'm 30, I want to be...". It was never 40 was it?! And did I think that by the time I'm 30 I would be doing what I'm doing now??? Hell No! I thought I would be in a stable job, probably a 9 till 5 thing, working my way up the corporate ladder. Maybe thought I would be married as well....Well what do we know when we're kids!

You know what, it wasn't even that bad and its just a number at the end of the day and believe me nothing changes what so ever.

So, 3 months to review...and to be honest not a huge amount has happened, just been plodding along taking things day by day. Working fairly hard...well sometimes of course. I have had some good jobs along the way though keeping me going and still building on new adventures as well.

Let's start with my little job as a "Diet Coke Hunk". Ha that sounds terrible and self proclaiming of being a "hunk" ha. Clearly not! But, an afternoon spent doing little stints in a human vending machine! As you can see the shirt came off, but in all seriousness jobs like this really makes all the hours and hard work in the gym worth it. I could do the absolute minimum and I wouldn't ever have a chance for jobs like this, which simply enough restricts my earnings. It was like a promotional event and we interacted with the audience as they stood at the vending machine when we were revealed. It's fun to do different jobs like this.

The 2 pictures above just look like I'm so chilled and relaxed...well you would be absolutely spot on! But this was for a job! Honestly sometimes I do pinch myself and constantly tell myself to never moan about my work. I was at the brand new centre parks in Bedford, modelling their spa area. Literally I spent my time looking relaxed in all the different treatment rooms in the spa. And spent the rest of the time either sun bathing or lounging about in my bath robe ha ha.

But let me state now, jobs are never like this believe me. And its about making the most of these ones because some of them can be a lot different.

Ok, so the picture above doesn't look like I'm having too tough a would be right at this time of the shoot! But this was for Barbour. I had booked in some regular e-commerce work with them, which was good. But e-commerce modelling, when you ask any models, is the toughest of days. You are not on location, there is no glamour, there is no sitting around relaxing, it is just solely you, a stylist, a photographer and a studio, with a shit load of clothes to put on!

There is usually a set amount of clothes to get through, but with some shoots they will want you to work the full 9 hours with just a lunch break and countless clothes changes. Now, I'm not sitting here saying how tough the work is, because mentally it of course isn't, but it can be draining being on your feet all day, like shop assistants. Without a break and often under pressure to get all the items shot, it really isn't the most fun part of the job at all. But its the jobs that keep you going and keep that money coming in, which ultimately is why any of us work!

It's not been all work though, I saw this little lady up close and personal at Royal Windsor...

And I tell you I swear she winked at me....

I managed to sneak in a 5 day little holiday last week too to Lanzarote with the girlfriend. Who on that note probably is to blame for the lack of posting the last 3 months....hmmmm.

I thank everyone for continuing to read my blog and the page views are going up and up which means a lot. If you ever have any questions or want to know more of what some of my jobs entail then feel free to leave a comment and I will answer.

Thanks everyone!


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