The Cricket World Cup Daily Show

37 Shows - 6 weeks long - daily deadlines - and finally it has now come to an end. THE most fun working project I have had to date. THE hardest working project I've been involved in to date. THE most challenging project I have taken on. But THE most rewarding one to date.

The picture above was from Episode 1. I remember that day so clearly and I remember how incredibly nervous I was too. This was a big project for me, time to step up and present something that i have a big passion for first and foremost. Secondly there was a potential that this could be reached by a huge audience, which could only be a positive for me. That all sat in my mind, as well as the script that was going through my head. As well as thinking to myself that if it all goes wrong on episode 1 for whatever reason that maybe they would stop production. (You try and stay positive but after so many occasions in the past of potential projects not panning out, I was trying to be more realistic). I needn't have been.

The 2 fantastic producers on the show, ensured that everything was prepared, a great script written, a calming fun atmosphere was being created to work in, and that I got fantastic support throughout the project. Although I'm there fronting the show, Andy and Hannah (the 2 producers) were the real stars who worked tirelessly on this project. I could go home after I finished filming, they had to then edit the show and prepare a script for the next day too. Groundhog Day really sums it up!

These moments got us all through the 37 episodes.

There were some fantastically fun moments during the filming and there I was being dressed to the rafters in all sorts of outfits. Its funny cause 9 years ago there was no way I would of felt comfortable doing any of this. But now a days I don't take myself very seriously at all and like to throw myself into these moments, otherwise you just look uncomfortable. Hopefully it paid off.

This project has helped give me a new lease of life and a great amount of energy to search for the next adventure and to continue making strides forward. I had said to myself at the start of the year that this year has to be better and more productive than the last, otherwise it may come to a point where I start to look at other career options.

Now its a case of reaching out to as many people as possible, building my contacts and actively spending a bit of time everyday searching for a new project. For the first time I think since I started this adventure in the entertainment world, I feel extremely positive about the future, and feel the next project is just around the corner.

A big thank you to all those who took the time to read this post. On to the future!


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