Beverley Hills, ANOTHER White Party and a Bud House meet up

Hey guys,

I had to do a post on Beverley Hills, I could not resist talking about how incredible the area is in LA. It is insane, completely insane. The money in this area is unimaginable. The shops, the cars and most importantly of course, the houses! They are absolutely huge! This is the area where the majority of the movie stars live and the directors and just anybody with vast sums of money. There is a famous street called Rodeo Drive where the houses are renound for being completely insane and it is so true. House after house is just like a dream and makes you want it so much. In a strange way it made me feel like I want to strive to achieve what these people have done in their lives, whatever it might have been. A different area of Beverley Hills was in the Hills itself, which was where the location of the first white party was held. These houses are extremely private with gated off areas that are often patrolled 24 hours a day by security, but the views of the city that they have from there is incredible. It’s just a different world, but an exciting one and very very different to that of anything you see in England.

After an afternoon and evening in Beverley Hills and popping into a little club in Hollywood in the night, it was time for another LA white party! It was back to my sailor suit, with a new white shirt after the events of the last party caused me to throw it away. A new town inside LA was the venue, called Glendale. A nice part of the city, very suburbial and very quiet too, but some lovely places, like the one we were at. This time you will all be very pleased to know that it went well and NO spillages! Which means my Sailor outfit is ready to rock out for the next white party! Ha. The party was cool though as got to meet Natela’s friends and chat to them about her all night ha ha. These parties were very “swanky” with a free bar of course, a barmen and a live jazz band just to add to the sophisticastion of the party! Yes I know what your thinking, what am I doing there! (I was thinking it too a little bit ha).

To end another week off in style, we met up with friends of ours from Bud House. I know I keep mentioning the show, but the amount of people that live over here from the show is unreal and it’s so important for me out here to see them and to feel like I have a group of friends here too, which is important to make me feel settled in this brand new city. We went to Santa Monica for some Beach Volleyball, where my Maverick and Goose skills went down well and then off for some bowling. Now I would love to big myself up and say that I was amazing and beat everyone, but it would be a huge lie and Natela would kick my ass! I was terrible! Natela beat me, as did other bud house female representatives! I was not happy, but blamed the change in environment. Ha ha (always an excuse)


  1. hey, it was cool to find this,, after budhouse i always wonder what happened to you and natela.. im haooy to know that you actualy went for it... wish you guys the best .. and like you sed,, live your life without regrets .. o btw it would be cool if you gives and lil something of the people from budhouse,, well the 1s you keep in touvh with, hopefully kike and beate .. well good luck bro


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