Bud House - Living in the House
Hey Guys,
So I am writing you a continuation from the previous post as I attempt to catch up with everything since I last posted 3 months ago!
We all entered the surroundings of this beautiful house knowing that the adventure was about to start. The buzz around everyone was crazy, the cast and the crew knowing what an exciting roller coaster lies ahead of us all. The crew knew they had a long 5 weeks ahead and the cast knowing exactly the same, but as cast we didn't really know what was going to be happening for us all.

First things first and a lot of production needed for the opening shots of everyone arriving in the house, which was something that everyone had to get used to, as although its called "Reality TV" there still needs to be many different areas created to ensure that the shots look structured. We were all really excited and it became known to us by 3 casted bar staff (who were there to make announcements to all of us during our time in the house) that we would be rooming as 4 and in our groups that our countries were located in for the tournament. Now the show had a huge American theme running through it which was extremely clear from the start for all of us. ESPN tracking a lot of the house action, the production were made up of mainly Americans and a lot of the focus was put on the American contestant, Austin. 1st game for USA vs. England! So, what better for a reality tv show than to see the American guy and the English guy battling it out, not just on a football sense but in the environment of the house too. This was obvious to me from the off and was something that made me slightly uncomfortable with, as production like to try to feed me lines to say to dramatise the situation with us both. But I knew what I signed up to. I had done it all before and learnt the hard way about saying whatever and not thinking about the consequences at a later date when the show goes out to a few Million on TV. So, I kept to the limits, but wanted to be a big part of this show at the same point as well and to enjoy it all to the fullest.

It was all very exciting though and I was not complaining (at this stage anyway ha ha) about being out in a beautiful country surrounded by fun loving people. The unknown of what could be occurring over the next 5 weeks spurred me on to really give it my all and have so much fun. The start of the experience certainly showed that to me as I really enjoyed myself, got to know everybody very very quickly and surprisingly to me got to like everybody too. There wasn't one person from the start that I did not warm to at all. I formed very quick bonds with people and found a way of communicating to all of the contestants whatever their age or wherever they were from. None more so than 2 lads from the start, Ollie from New Zealand and Freddie from Denmark, who funnily enough was on my flight and slept like a complete weirdo on the plane that everyone was laughing at ha ha. These 2 were very down to earth guys and made my time in there even better. Always nice sharing banter like you would have at home with close friends and to find that immediately was a great surprise to me but a welcomed one.

Now during these updates I'm not going to go into detail about any of the games at all, as I am in the process of starting up a second blog soley for football and my feelings towards the game and the teams I love.
We all partied hard together in the house, which helped everybody let their hair down (if they had some of course) and to relax around each other. There was traditional music put on for our entertainment on some nights, DJ's coming in to let us party and let DJ Surge (MR Portugal, Sergio) take to the decks. Numerous activities to keep us interested, none more so than Poker! Poker became the house phenomenon and it started with just 4 players and led to at one stage I'm sure about 15 of us playing at once.
We watched a lot of football in the house, which for me was great because my interest in the game is so incredibly huge! 3 games a day for the first couple of weeks was tiring though I must admit, but was fun to experience how different fans reacted to their teams, whether they won or lost. Ones who stood out for me was Felipe (the musical god from Chile) who was quiet up until Chile were playing, but showed this raw emotion come out during the games which I really admired. A true true supporter. Maria (Miss Greece - and also an old work colleague at smart live casino randomly) showed her emotions through tears and passion, which was great cause you saw how much her country and her team meant to her. These qualities for me in every individual in the house made me respect them all so much. I wanted to see how everybody reacted when their teams played and for that I did not miss one of any of the teams first games, which I was proud of.

When these games got exciting, so did the atmosphere in the house, what an experience it was all turning out to be and it was only going to get better and better (apart from England of course)
I could be here all day writing about Bud House I really could, and this is all shortened down but another bud house chapter will be coming soon.
So I am writing you a continuation from the previous post as I attempt to catch up with everything since I last posted 3 months ago!
We all entered the surroundings of this beautiful house knowing that the adventure was about to start. The buzz around everyone was crazy, the cast and the crew knowing what an exciting roller coaster lies ahead of us all. The crew knew they had a long 5 weeks ahead and the cast knowing exactly the same, but as cast we didn't really know what was going to be happening for us all.

First things first and a lot of production needed for the opening shots of everyone arriving in the house, which was something that everyone had to get used to, as although its called "Reality TV" there still needs to be many different areas created to ensure that the shots look structured. We were all really excited and it became known to us by 3 casted bar staff (who were there to make announcements to all of us during our time in the house) that we would be rooming as 4 and in our groups that our countries were located in for the tournament. Now the show had a huge American theme running through it which was extremely clear from the start for all of us. ESPN tracking a lot of the house action, the production were made up of mainly Americans and a lot of the focus was put on the American contestant, Austin. 1st game for USA vs. England! So, what better for a reality tv show than to see the American guy and the English guy battling it out, not just on a football sense but in the environment of the house too. This was obvious to me from the off and was something that made me slightly uncomfortable with, as production like to try to feed me lines to say to dramatise the situation with us both. But I knew what I signed up to. I had done it all before and learnt the hard way about saying whatever and not thinking about the consequences at a later date when the show goes out to a few Million on TV. So, I kept to the limits, but wanted to be a big part of this show at the same point as well and to enjoy it all to the fullest.

It was all very exciting though and I was not complaining (at this stage anyway ha ha) about being out in a beautiful country surrounded by fun loving people. The unknown of what could be occurring over the next 5 weeks spurred me on to really give it my all and have so much fun. The start of the experience certainly showed that to me as I really enjoyed myself, got to know everybody very very quickly and surprisingly to me got to like everybody too. There wasn't one person from the start that I did not warm to at all. I formed very quick bonds with people and found a way of communicating to all of the contestants whatever their age or wherever they were from. None more so than 2 lads from the start, Ollie from New Zealand and Freddie from Denmark, who funnily enough was on my flight and slept like a complete weirdo on the plane that everyone was laughing at ha ha. These 2 were very down to earth guys and made my time in there even better. Always nice sharing banter like you would have at home with close friends and to find that immediately was a great surprise to me but a welcomed one.

Now during these updates I'm not going to go into detail about any of the games at all, as I am in the process of starting up a second blog soley for football and my feelings towards the game and the teams I love.
We all partied hard together in the house, which helped everybody let their hair down (if they had some of course) and to relax around each other. There was traditional music put on for our entertainment on some nights, DJ's coming in to let us party and let DJ Surge (MR Portugal, Sergio) take to the decks. Numerous activities to keep us interested, none more so than Poker! Poker became the house phenomenon and it started with just 4 players and led to at one stage I'm sure about 15 of us playing at once.
We watched a lot of football in the house, which for me was great because my interest in the game is so incredibly huge! 3 games a day for the first couple of weeks was tiring though I must admit, but was fun to experience how different fans reacted to their teams, whether they won or lost. Ones who stood out for me was Felipe (the musical god from Chile) who was quiet up until Chile were playing, but showed this raw emotion come out during the games which I really admired. A true true supporter. Maria (Miss Greece - and also an old work colleague at smart live casino randomly) showed her emotions through tears and passion, which was great cause you saw how much her country and her team meant to her. These qualities for me in every individual in the house made me respect them all so much. I wanted to see how everybody reacted when their teams played and for that I did not miss one of any of the teams first games, which I was proud of.

When these games got exciting, so did the atmosphere in the house, what an experience it was all turning out to be and it was only going to get better and better (apart from England of course)
I could be here all day writing about Bud House I really could, and this is all shortened down but another bud house chapter will be coming soon.
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