
Showing posts from 2013

Working on ITV Jackpot247

First of all excuse the expression on my face ha ha - difficult capturing a screen shot whilst live on TV and you never know what kind of faces you will be pulling ha. I'm also sure those who are watching probably see me do things and say things that I have no idea why I'm saying ha, so I apologise for that. HOW IT STARTED After working on another casino show on and off for 4 years, I was always looking to start moving things forward and to look for new opportunities, and to be brutally honest to get out of the previous place. (I'm not going to talk about the other place in this post but will do another one specifically about that very soon.) The opportunity came up a while ago when a friend of mine started working for the company Netplay on Supercasino which is on channel 5. He has the same agency as me and so our booker sent my showreel over to them. Fortunately for me, they kept hold of my details until they started recruiting again and I was very lucky to be abl...

Options - "It's like dangling toys in front of kids"

Imagine telling your kids, or any kids in your lives that they might get a really nice toy next week. Imagine how excited they are and how they can never get that thought out of their mind. They might try hard to stop thinking about it, but they will continue to get their hopes up. Now imagine telling them the next week that they won't be getting a toy. Horrible right? Now, I know I'm comparing things that happen to me like kids, but options feel the same way. I have been modelling for coming up to 7 years now and dealing with options is one of the hardest things to do. I am certain that I have mentioned about options in the past, but they will never stop coming and I still haven't worked out how to deal with them properly. Some might be for smaller amounts of money and of course they are easy to put to the back of your mind. But one I had hanging over for a week this past week was for Ā£18,000!!! Silly money right?! For a car commercial and it would have been shooting...

Mevius Cigarettes Campaign

After a busy week at the Canary Wharf fashion show, I was very fortunate enough to book an advertising camping for Mevius cigarettes, who are the top Asian cigarette brand. It's been a little while since I booked a nice big job and a much better feeling after casting for the job. a direct booking is all well and good but to get a job from a casting is a much greater feeling. First of all the job did not require any smoking before you ask ha ha (well its what so many people have asked ha). There were 3 models on the job, 2 guys and a girl. But the crew was big and going into the studio on the first day I instantly knew it was a big professional job, not only because of the size of the crew, but more importantly the FOOD! It's a sure fire sign that time and care has been taken to look after everyone when the food is good and it was absolutely fantastic ha. Anyways...sorry slightly side tracked there by the food ha. Into hair and make up I went (yes on shoots I have make up ...


Fashion Shows are not normally something that I would do, mainly because they do not pay a great deal and I went through a long phase in the first couple of years of modelling where I didn't book any. Pretty naive of me to be honest because this was so much fun and I feel like I have certainly missed out on a lot of fun doing more of them. The thought of walking up and down a catwalk has never been of huge interest to me to be honest. I know many girls had dreams of walking the catwalk, but for guys I feel its very different, however I was completely surprised by how much fun I had. Its a long process though, as its not just about turning up and walking up and down as so many people think. Now I'm not going to preach to you and say its like rocket science, but a lot of work goes into the organisation. It started on Monday with the first rehearsals. There were 6 of us involved (3 guys, 3 girls) and we were shown various walk throughs for certain shows that we were doing. Th...

Aiming to end the year on the up!

Well after a turbulent year to say the very least we are shockingly only 2 months away from it being over. I have had such a crazy year in more ways than one, but hopefully (touch wood) things are starting to progress forward. I have come to a point with modeling that I do not want to become reliant on it anymore. In the past I rely on earning a certain amount from that each month but it has to be one of the most inconsistent occupations around. From a good couple of months to a month of barely anything coming in, it does me no good to worry about that. A conscious effort now on my behalf to focus my energy and attention on my presenting side of things and ensure that I have control in most of these. The harder I work on this, the more it will benefit me and unlike modeling, this is work that I need to work on and will do me some good in the future too. Modeling there is only so many times you can practice looking left and right and perfecting Blue Steal! It's been an interesti...

New Job for Foxy Bingo and more

It's been far too long since my last post and my apologies to those who like reading my blog. Will try my best to pull my socks up! The last few weeks have been really busy though and I am ensuring I am not wasting any free time and always doing something or other. Its been a great few weeks though and so much to tell you all as well. GREY GOOSE A couple of weeks ago I did a great shoot for Grey Goose. Now the definition this time of a great shoot is the fact I did very little and I mean very little and got good money for it. This is the great side to my work sometimes and almost the ridiculous to be honest! Without saying too much about the shoot, (I might get in trouble somewhat ha) but I was in the background and the Bottle was the main character in the shot. I was one of 5 models on the job, 2 other guys who are friends of mine which makes the day even better just hanging out with them. We were not all used at the same time and they tried various different background images...

Using lessons learnt from LA - plus Jai Kudo Eyewear shoot

Hi Guys, My apologies for it being a month since my last post. To be honest there hasn't been too much to report in the past month so not too much to write about. Unfortunately for guys the industry has been pretty quiet the last month or so. This happens from time to time and is part and parcel of modelling. It's not like I'm not used to this, after being in the industry for over 6 years now, but I still find it frustrating, however there is very little I can do about it. I did slip at one point and started to blame others and outside influences for this, but at the end of the day its these times that you need to knuckle down and think outside the box. When I was in LA, I had to search for work myself, contact people, search websites, network etc etc. It was the only way I could of survived out there (not literally of course). Recently I put this to the test over here and the last week or so I have started to have some success by not just relying on agencies to get me ...

BIRTHDAY POST - My 29th Year

It's been a while since I posted and have had a hectic month in more than one way. I have been working lots and been to Thailand on holiday and just been concentrating on keeping myself as busy as possible. But this post I thought I would look to review the past year, more for myself than anything and its nice to reflect on what I have achieved this year and how i feel this past year has been for me. This time last year I was living in Los Angeles - which does feel like quite a distant memory now. I was working so hard to get work in any which way, coaching football (or "sooooooccer" for all you Americans), modeling, hosting a dating show and picking up any sorts of work i could possibly get my hands on. It was a tough time in my life no doubt, where I learnt the value of money, learnt to really live within my means, no smoking, not much drinking and actually just concentrating on bringing in a pay cheque to survive out there. But I was fully enjoying the sunshine thats...

Patience Patience Patience

My last post I was very busy with lots of work coming in and opportunities a plenty, this one is not too much different actually, except the fact I am writing this with a severe case of MAN FLU (yes basically I have a cold...ok ok). But I am also fighting very very hard to stay patient for things in both my work life and personal life to get to where I want it. I have learnt that "good things come to those who wait" and that in order to get everything you want in life, you have to keep calm, stay strong and ultimately stay patient. But importantly never ever give up fighting if you truly believe in something. Anyway...enough of the stuff that makes most people slightly queezy when I talk about all these feelings ha. So, I have been back up to Manchester for a shoot for Tesco once more, which was nice job again. Maybe not the most glamorous of shoots especially when I'm modeling their range of ONESIES...but hey, it's not all that you read in the papers and not all jo...


This is probably one of the busiest periods I have ever had as a model in 6 years in the industry. With the mix of castings, options and jobs its really been rather crazy of late and something that I am very greatful for as well. My agency is working very hard for me at the moment too, putting me up for many jobs and castings and I seem to be re paying the faith at the moment. Times like this certainly do not come around that often and I am making sure I am taking full advantage of it and putting on the best performance possible during every single job. Now I know so many will be like "what performance can you put in, you just stand there!" True, but I always make sure I don't complain, I am easy to get on with and I have fun every shoot I do. You need to ensure that you are memorable, but for all the right reasons. In modeling it is so important for us to get regular clients. Like hairdressers, personal trainers, its the same thing. Repeat clients can really help boost...

On This Morning in my Undies!!!

This is a post I forgot to put on here a couple of weeks ago. I'm sure a lot of my friends know about it and have seen the pictures from the job. I am getting a laptop soon I promise and can upload pictures with my posts when I do, damn IPAD, amazing things but can never upload pictures on! If you want to see these just follow me on twitter and check my pictures out. You will find me under jamesgreeninuk. I have done quite a few little cameo's on This Morning before, some live on air, some pre recorded stuff. It's always fun when doing them, as the people working on the show are absolutely fantastic. Very friendly, very enthusiastic and always up for having fun whilst working. I guess they have to be for a show like that. In the past i have done a fashion show, been a carol singer and a handy man amongst some of my roles! But they didn't even come close to having to be in my underwear on screen! Daytime TV as well and having to stand there in a pair of boxers! What ha...

2013...Not my year so far thats for sure

I posted a quite deep and dark post on here towards the end of last year around October, November time when I was going through a really bad phase. Through the help and support of friends and family I managed to get myself fully out of the funk and in a great place. But life can change and as we all know at times its like being on a roller-coaster. Full of up's and down's. And unfortunately nothing in my life has prepared myself for the start of 2013 which I have had. It's been shock after shock after shock and I have had to pretty much deal with every single emotion that you could think of in life. Everybody says these things "come in 3's", everyone says that "things can only get better from here". Well after 5 different things that have occurred in just over a month, both those statements don't particularly ring true lets be honest. Those that are close to me know what i have had to deal with, and I can't exactly blast it on here to be ...

Great start to February

My last post went into detail about the only modeling job I had in January. Not a bad one to have of course having the trip to the Maldives, but the rest of the month was very quiet, something that you have to get used to in the industry. Thats why its all well and good getting a good job here and there, but without filling the rest of your time up, the money earned has to be spread across the quiet times, something that finally I am starting to become more sensible about. Anyhow, January may have been quiet, but I have hit the ground running in February already and its only the 4th today! GEORGE ASDA - FITTING On Friday I booked a little journey up out of London to the George Asda offices in Rugby, close to Leicester. Early start for me, something that I am certainly not used to one bit! Gets tough sometimes when your body clock is constantly changing, but with the weekend off ahead of me, I was all good. Plus it was only a fitting too. Now, for those of you who are not sure what...

Maldives - the best job bar none!

I don't think in my wildest dreams would I ever have thought I would start any new year off with a trip to the Maldives, let alone a work trip and let alone THE best job I have ever done. How can I compare some of the jobs I have been fortunate enough to do? Well, I will try and break down why in this post, but I just want to concentrate on getting across why this job was so amazing in so many different ways. - As a quick sub note, those who read my blog and are not following me on twitter of Facebook, feel free to add me and you will be able to see all the images from my trips. Unfortunately due to restrictions of the IPAD I can't get pictures on here to support it, but I am working on it. OK, so the job itself is for a library/stock shoot. Now what that simply means is that a production company sets up a variety of shots and puts them on a website to be brought by companies. I have no control over the usage of these as thats included in my fee. It's something that many...